Mei Shikma Water Utility, Bat Yam

About the Mei Shikma Water Utility

The Mei Shikma Water Utility Ltd was founded in 2008 as a regional water and sewage Utility.
The Holon Municipality, Or Yehuda Municipality, the Azor Council and the Beit Dagan Council are the owners of the Utility, which provides water and sewage services to approximately 250 thousand inhabitants and is responsible for some 100 thousand water meters.
The Utility purchases about 19 million cubic meters of water per year from the Mekorot Water Company and maintains 300 km of water pipelines and another 300 km of sewage pipes, in addition the Utility possesses a regional sewage pumping station, which streams the waste waters to the Shafdan lines.
Furthermore, the Utility maintains an accumulation pool of 3000 cubic meters in the Azor Regional Council area.

The Challenge
• Connecting the city's main meters to the remote reading system (AMR) and an extensive deployment of communications systems in a populated urban area.
• Conducting rigorous testing in order to ensure that no inconvenience is caused to residents by the integration of the meters.
• Connection and integration into the existing BILLING system at the Utility.

The Solution
Commencing the work process in Azor, which will serve as a pilot project, and subsequently the additional installations will be implement at the Utility.

The Extent of the Project
The first phase of the project - about 20,000 main water meters.


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